The preparation phase of Rhinoplasty surgery does not consist of informing the consultants and eliminating their concerns.
The photographs we take at this stage shed light on our way in terms of planning the changes we will make during the operation and help us understand the expectations of the operated person.
Simulation applications (Photoshop, and so on) allow us to determine the image we want to obtain after surgery and to obtain consensus with the person who will be operated on. It is important to emphasise the following: Agreeing on a target image does not mean that this target can be achieved. The images created here help us to determine the expectations of the person and for the person to discover their own preferences. What can actually be done will only become clear during the operation and your doctor may have to deal with many other unforeseen problems. It is never possible for the simulation result to be reflected one-to-one in real life.
Rhinoplasty surgery is not only a procedure in which the shape of the nose is changed. As I have been saying since I first started working on this subject a long time ago, I always try to provide “Breathing Beauty“.
In this context, I also identify the corrections that need to be made in the nose that the person planning to have surgery is not aware of and include them in the planning.
Once we have reached a realistic consensus on our expectations and our plan, we record it and move on to the next stage, which, as in any operation, is to address any problems that may come our way.
Like every operation, Rhinoplasty has its own risks and these risks are universal. You should be aware that risks and unexpected results are always possible in this operation. It is not possible to obtain a perfect result and there are always some asymmetries as a result of each operation. You can find details on this subject in the information forms that we will share with you and will help you to make an operation decision.
I emphasise one thing in particular in the preoperative discussions and I always say it: “Your expectations should be realistic and the more you know what you expect, the easier it is to get what you expect.”